Nose Surgery – A Pros and Cons Review

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is actually a cosmetic plastic surgery technique for changing and reconstructing the nose for improving its aesthetic appearance. The procedure is also referred to as a nose job or nose cartilage cosmetic surgery. There are basically two kinds of plastic surgeries utilized in rhinoplasty, reconstructive plastic surgery, which help to restore the normal form and functions of a nose, and aesthetic surgery that alters the look of a nose. Here are some of the benefits of rhinoplasty: Learn more about rhinoplasty surgery, and top rhinoplasty surgeons at The Rhinoplasty Society and make an informed decision about nasal contouring.

Ease of healing After a rhinoplasty the patient generally needs to take one week off from work and can be required to avoid using the nose splint for at least two weeks. This is mainly because the skin in the nose takes a while to heal and therefore it is best to avoid using the splint during this period. However, if the surgery goes well and the recovery process is rapid then the splint can be used for covering the nose in order to prevent the skin rubbing against the wound while the surgery is going on. However, the use of a splint is not strictly necessary as the skin in the nose heals very quickly. If the nose surgery goes well and the recovery goes smoothly, a normal life can be resumed with a minimum disruption of normal activities.

No restrictions In rhinoplasty on a patient will not be required to wear any special glasses or any other restrictive headgear for the rest of his or her life. All in all, this procedure is considered a minor one that does not have any major restrictions. A post-operative risk is that there will be a small amount of swelling and some bruising after the surgery but these will go away on their own. A minor risk is the possibility of an allergic reaction to some of the anesthesia used in the procedure but this normally does not occur. Rhinoplasty can also be performed on adults but since it is usually performed on children it is usually carried out as an elective procedure rather than for medical necessity.

No long term effects Rhinoplasty does not have any long-term effects such as pain or discomfort. However, if the patient does experience any pain due to the incisions and the swelling and bruising then it is advised that they seek the help of their surgeon. Some patients may experience slight changes in their appearance or in the shape of their nose after the procedure but this will go away within a few weeks. If there are any long term effects from the cosmetic surgery such as infection or adverse reaction to anesthesia then the patient should report this to the cosmetic surgery clinic where the procedure was performed.

Recovery After rhinoplasty on a patient will be able to resume normal daily activities with no restrictions. It will be some time before the surgeon will be able to take the nose surgery into account when scheduling the next procedure. This procedure is usually carried out as an outpatient procedure, so the patient will be able to return home the same day as the procedure. The patient should expect to have to deal with some swelling and bruising for a few days until the stitches are removed.

Nose surgery is one of those cosmetic surgery procedures that has many benefits. However, it is also one that has certain risks and drawbacks. Many celebrities have rhinoplasty to enhance their appearance, but the long term results are less than desired. If you are considering having this procedure done then you should make sure that you understand all of its pros and cons. A well-qualified plastic surgeon will be able to advise you about the best course of treatment for your individual needs.

For more information about rhinoplasty or finding a rhinoplasty surgeon contact The Rhinoplasty Society at