How do you secure an empty property?

Vacant property security systems are extremely difficult to get right. There are so many different factors at play and the risk of being targeted rises significantly when there is nobody inhabiting the house in question.

When waiting for a new tenant to arrive, or waiting until renovation is complete so you an move in yourself, you are at a heightened risk, but it is how you manage this risk that really matters.

No pressure, but if you fail to take sufficient steps to maximise your vacant property security, the chances of being the victim of a crime skyrocket so pay attention to this article, it really could save you many thousands of pounds!

vacant property

What do you need to do to build a security system on a vacant property?

The very first step you need to take is to conduct a risk assessment of the threats that your property faces and develop a security plan to counteract them.

The number one priority of this plan should always be to protect your people first and foremost, with your property and assets also key factors.

In the modern age, it is almost as important, if not more so, to make sure that you are protecting your data as well as your physical assets. Theft of online data can not only lead to significant losses is IP or financial data gets out but will also result in a massive loss of confidence from customers.

What to look for in a vacant property risk assessment

How are you meant to manage risk if you don’t know what risk looks like in the first place? Anything that poses a threat to the smooth operation of your business and the safety of those on your property should be highlighted and considered during the risk assessment process.

Sure, things like risk of theft are important to consider, but the risk of a workplace accident is just as much of a concern.

Blocked evacuation routes, unsafe equipment, outdated machinery, all things to look for when carrying out your risk assessment of a vacant property.

Yes, we know that you don’t currently have staff on site, but you will soon, and having this assessment carried out at this point will get you one step ahead of the game.

You should also look at threats that are more specific to vacant properties such as the lack of active deterrents to intruders and a lack of mains electricity that occurs when you apply for void property status.

How to implement vacant property security solutions

Once you have identified the issues you need to fix, and the security measures that you intend to use to do so, it is time for you to get to work.

Security shutters, monitored alarms, AI powered CCTV, all great tools for protecting a void property from criminal activity.

Need any assistance? You are in the right place, having a professional security company implementing your security strategy will ensure that nothing is missed and you have the maximum security on your site.

How to spot a carpet beetle infestation and what to do about it
When you think of pest species, mice, rats, and wasps are probably the first thing that comes to mind, not carpet beetles.

In fact, many people don’t even realise that carpet beetles exist until they are dealing with an infestation of the insects themselves.

However, at we actually deal with this species on a pretty regular basis and our technicians have developed somewhat of a speciality in deal with infestations.

carpet beetle

What exactly are carpet beetles?

Carpet beetles are small, around 4mm, with oval shaped bodies and love to eat their way through clothes, carpets, or other fabrics.

Whilst they do not pose a direct threat to human health, they can do a pretty significant around of damage when left to their own devices as their larvae feel on the natural fibres of your woollen carpets, and any form of natural fibre clothing.

When fully grown, carpet beetles, despite their name, will move on from fabrics and instead focus their feeding on pollen, plants, and flowers instead.

Where do carpet beetles come from?

Carpet Beetles can enter your home in any number of different ways from being carried inside on a piece of clothing to more traditional routes such as simply crawling through an open door or window.

If fabrics are not sanitised shortly after being brought inside with a carpet beetle onboard an infestation can quickly establish itself and a population of beetles will spread far and wide in a remarkable fast time.

Are carpet beetles really that much of a problem?

It depends if you care about the cost of replacing your carpets and clothing or not! As we mentioned above, carpet beetles do not tend to do harm to humans directly, although they can cause irritation if they come directly into contact with the skin.

Unlike certain pests such s rats that will happily gnaw their way through structural wooden beams, carpet beetles do not tend to destroy your property itself, but rather the possessions that you have inside. As you can imagine, this can still lead to a pretty hefty bill.

How to keep carpet beetles under control

Getting rid of carpet beetles is not always an easy task, mainly due to their small size and their ability to spread far and wide in a short period of time.

Some of the most effective ways to keep them at bay, however, do include:

  • Vacuuming – Good practice in any case! Vacuuming is a good way to remove unwanted debris from your carpet, not only food, dead skin and dust, but also eggs, larvae and insects. Make sure to get every nook and cranny when vacuuming your home, especially along the edge of the carpet near the skirting board.
  • Vinegar cleaning solutions – A mix of vinegar and water in a spray bottle creates a highly effective natural anti-beetle spray.
  • Calling a professional – If you are struggling with carpet beetles, calling a professional is always the best course of action.